What’s a typical day on the road like for you guys?
Bill: We wake up on the tour bus, and when we arrive at the hotel we have some breakfast, change clothes and take a shower and stuff. Then we go to the venue and do the sound check and interviews [before the show]. [After the show], it’s back to the hotel, get all of the 10 bags together, pack up and get back on the bus and that’s it.
Is it difficult to sleep on the bus?
Georg: Yeah, because we always switch of the air conditioning for Bill’s voice (it can make him sound hoarse). So it’s very hot inside.
Does anybody snore?
Bill: Not really…Gustav, sometimes!
Do you do anything before a show for good luck?
Tom: We just gather in a backstage room for a half hour before the show.
What’s the best way for a fan to get your attention at a concert?
Tom: I really like to see the big signs and posters with cool phrases.
What’s the funniest thing you’ve seen on a sign?
Bill: One of them asked me to marry her. There was a fan in Chicago who asked Tom to sign an autograph and said to write, “For my dream girl.” She said, “You don’t know it yet, but I’m your dream girl.” That was really funny.
What’s the best concert you’ve ever been too?
Bill: I think it was my first concert, which was Nena, a German singer. I think that was the best concert.
Tom: I listen to a lot of German hip-hop, so you probably wouldn’t know the artists.
Gustav: My best one was Metallica in 2006. They played all of the old songs plus the new stuff, so it was just perfect.
Tom: for Georg it would probably be David Hasselhoff!
Georg: Maybe. There are a couple of shows of David Hasselhoff’s that are pretty good. I like the dancing more than his voice.
Are you guys really all fans of David Hasselhoff?
Georg: Yes!
Tom: We don’t really like David Hasselhoff, but, Georg is a really big fan.
Have you ever had a chance to meet him?
Georg: Not yet.
Tom: hopefully in the future!
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